Passive Voice


Passive Voice

The passive voice is a structure that permits you to form a statement without knowing who performed the action of the sentence: The house was destroyed. Or the one who performed the action is placed in a passive position within the sentence: The house was destroyed by troopers.

Verbs, Transitive Verbs, and Intransitive Verbs

An active sentence is often a structured subject verb direct object. A passive sentence changes that structure to direct the object used as the subject to be past participle by the subject used as the object of the preposition. Let’s compare the two structures:


Passive Voice

Active Sentences Passive Sentences
Passive Sentences The dog is found by Kim.
We buy his car. His car is bought by us.
The girls stole the purse. The purse was stolen by the girls.
They solved the problem. The problem was solved by them.

Passive Voice


The verb to be within the passive sentences is conjugated within the same tense as the verb within the active sentences. Look however the varied tenses appear in the passive:

Subjunctive Mood Definition

Tense                        Passive Sentences
Present The house is destroyed by the soldiers.
Past The house was destroyed by the soldiers.
Present Perfect The house has been destroyed by the soldiers.
Past Perfect The house had been destroyed by the soldiers.
Future The house will be destroyed by the soldiers.
Future Perfect The house will have been destroyed by the soldiers.

Only in the present and past tenses is there a difference between the habitual form of the conjugation and the conjugation for an action in progress or incomplete:

  • The house is destroyed/the house is being destroyed
  • The house was destroyed/the house was being destroyed

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