What is and Why Freelancing?

What Is Freelancing?

What is and Why Freelancing? A freelancer is defined as someone who sells his or her services to employers or clients without a long-term contract

Freelancers often deal directly with their clients or possibly work as a contractor to a number of larger businesses, which then on-sell the freelancer’s services to their own client base. In the main, working as a freelancer implies that you don’t have staff working for you and that you frequently work for more than one client. What is and Why Freelancing?

It’s fair to say that nowadays there are more freelancers working in diverse fields than ever before, and much of this explosion is directly related to the rise of the Web. The Internet has been responsible for a huge jump in the number of freelancers operating around the globe. The ease of electronic communication, ability to develop virtual teams among other freelancers online, and broad acceptance of freelancing has meant that over the past decade or so it has become a highly popular career choice for millions of people. What is and Why Freelancing?

The most common industries in which freelancers dwell in abundance, apart from the Web, are knowledge-based professions such as copywriting, photography, business consulting, information technology, journalism, marketing, and graphic design. Many of these offline professionals have a role in our online sphere as suppliers or consultants, and many of the principles discussed in this book would apply to their world as well.


Why Freelancing?

There are many pros and cons when it comes to freelancing, as we’ll see, and a whole range of factors about your current situation needs to be seriously considered before you hand your boss the letter of resignation. What is and Why Freelancing?

First of all, freelancing is not for everyone. Although many people find that the advantages outweigh the potential pitfalls, sooner or later some people will decide that they’re just not comfortable with the freelance life.

Advantages of the Freelance Life

  1. Flexible working hours
  2. Flexible work location
  3. Choice of projects
  4. Being in charge
  5. Constant education
  6. Wide variety of projects
  7. Freedom in clothing choice

Flexible working hours

The ability to work the hours you want is a huge advantage for most people. Family commitments and the school run, part-time study, or simply your internal body clock’s unique cycle may mean that you prefer to work early in the morning, or late into the evening.

Flexible work location

When you first consider freelancing, you’ll probably glance around your own home, determining where you’ll create your office space and deciding that you can finally justify that shiny red espresso machine. Certainly, it is highly desirable to have some space at home that’s quiet, comfortable, interruption-free, and conducive to work. What is and Why Freelancing?

However, don’t discount the concept of being truly mobile—many cafes and libraries now have free wireless Internet, or you can arrange your own mobile wireless broadband. You can also treat these locations as a complement to your home office; this can help to counter the monotony of working in isolation. You’ll likely meet other local freelancers doing the same as you! What is and Why Freelancing?

Choice of projects

            We’ve all had the experience of working on a project or for a client that promised to turn into a nightmare from the outset, which we’d prefer to have avoided if we’d had a say in the matter. As a freelancer, once you’re established, you’re in control—you have the opportunity to refuse projects or clients.

Being in charge

The feeling of strength and autonomy that comes from being in charge of your life’s direction is a major drawcard. For many people, this is the main reason to head down the freelancing path.

Constant education

 It’s no coincidence that many people attracted to the freelance lifestyle also have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Freelancing can allow you the flexibility to spend more time on research and planned education than would a normal nine-to-five job. Want to read that new typography book, or catch up on that agile development blog? Sure, jump right on in; no one’s looking over your shoulder, and the time is yours to spend as you please—deadlines permitting.

 Wide variety of projects

            Unlike an in-house salaried position—where you may find yourself slaving away on the same mind-numbing web application or site for twelve months because you’re assigned to do so—you have the opportunity to work across multiple industries and switch your focus between large and small projects.

Freedom in clothing choice

Last but not least, a number of people have reported to me that the prospect of being able to wear what they wanted was a definite factor in their decision to go freelance. Being able to shed the suit, tie, make-up, and high heels—whichever apply!—in favor of shorts and a T-shirt has a certain appeal for many.

Successful Freelancing – Prepare for the Transition


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This post contain the content of book The Principles of Successful Freelancing By Miles Burke below is link of complete book The Principles of Successful Freelancing